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Why Facelifts Are Increasing in Popularity Among Men

Why Facelifts Are Increasing in Popularity Among Men

When you think of plastic surgery, do you envision a middle-aged woman getting some “work” done? That stereotype has been fairly accurate for many years, but recently, there’s been a change in plastic surgery demographics.

We’ve seen the trend firsthand here at Rick J. Smith, MD, in East Lansing, Michigan. We’ve always offered surgical cosmetic procedures to both women and men, but lately, there’s been a definite surge of male patients seeking to improve their image. Here, Dr. Smith explains some of the reasons behind this shift.

How many men get plastic surgery?

We’re seeing more and more men in our office these days, and it seems to be a national trend. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, male cosmetic surgery has increased by 28% over the last two decades, and the numbers are growing steadily. While women still far outpace men — 92% to 8% respectively— plastic surgery is quickly trending toward a more balanced, equal-opportunity option.

Why men want facelifts

There are several reasons for the rise in male facelifts, and each of our patients has unique motivations for wanting to improve sagging skin, lax facial muscles, and deep creases. Here are some of the reasons we hear most often.

More face-time

The global pandemic changed the way we live and work. Most notably, we spent a lot of time in video meetings. The close-up headshots and frequent on-screen appearances made people more aware of their facial flaws, which made them more open to surgical solutions. Some experts call this the “Zoom effect.”

Easier to heal discreetly

The pandemic also played another role in the uptick of male facelifts. Working from home means that men can recover from a surgical procedure discreetly without answering questions about bruising and bandages. It takes a couple of weeks for discoloration and swelling to subside after a facelift, so many men who now work remotely feel freer to undergo surgery because they can recuperate privately.

Streamlined procedure

In the past, facelift surgery was an aggressive and deeply invasive procedure that focused on pulling the skin tight across the face. Furthermore, it required a long recovery period. Today, skilled plastic surgeons, like Dr. Smith, take a different approach that repositions soft tissues and restores fat loss. Dr. Smith uses the latest techniques and the most advanced technology to create a natural-looking and younger version of you without causing unnecessary tissue damage.

Dating later in life

Men and women alike are dating later in life these days and often do so via dating apps. The first — and often only — impression comes from a profile picture that must stand out amongst the competition. Many men are opting for facelift surgery to sculpt their profile and put their best face forward.

Men’s most requested plastic surgeries

In addition to facelifts, men are also signing up for other types of plastic surgery to enhance their face and body. The five most popular are:

Dr. Smith discusses your aesthetic goals and health history with you to determine whether you’re a good candidate for plastic surgery and which procedure will best help you achieve your desired look. 

Why choose Rick J. Smith, MD?

Just because facelift surgery is incredibly popular, that doesn’t mean it’s simple. It is a complex surgery that requires a skilled surgeon with vast experience and an artistic eye. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Smith exceeds those criteria. Plus, our state-of-the-art facility enables him to perform both minor and significant procedures safely and efficiently.

He also brings a rare personal touch to your facelift experience. Dr. Smith is known for his ability to listen and involve his patients in the surgical planning stage. When you come in for your facelift, you also get the advantage of our pristine in-house surgical facility designed to instill comfort and confidence. 

Above all, you can trust Dr. Smith to deliver exceptional results

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Smith and find out if a facelift is right for you, call or click today. 

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